Please note that the Purchasing cut-off date is Friday, March 29, 2019. This means that If your department falls under the Fund 110001 then this cut off will apply to you. If your dept is a restricted i.e. Your Fund is anything other than 110001 this cut-off does not apply to you.
If you intend on making purchases for your dept between Apr 1 and Jun 30 you will be required to email me a list of encumbrances that have been approved by your dept. The list will need to be specific with items, cost, vendor and quantity. Generalized lists like for example ”supplies from Staples $400” will not be accepted and will be rejected.
Your normal Purchasing approval queue will still approve this list.
Your department will not be able to make any purchases for the rest of the year.
Due to the current challenging fiscal environment that we live in, it is imperative that we be as accurate and within our planned budget for the rest of the year. It allows us to plan for the upcoming year as well.
Please call extensions 3305 or 3323 for personnel budget clarification, or extension 3276 for all other budgetary areas.
The only items to be purchased after the cut-off date are postage, mileage, dual service agreements, printing estimates, and food for advisory committee meetings. Travel through Professional Development can be submitted after this date.
Only items that have not been purchased or that do not have Req/PO numbers need to be listed on the encumbrance list.
These funds will remain encumbered through the end of the current fiscal year. If not spent at that time they will revert to the general fund.
Budget transfers are only permitted between organization codes with the same program code. TBR does not permit transfers between non-similar organization codes.
All employees with personnel budget responsibility should verify current information and report any inaccuracies to Human Resources via email.
Any request to transfer personnel (current regular employees) between positions must be in letter form and approved by Human Resources in addition to the chain of command.
Requests for new positions or increases in temporary pool (adjunct, temporary help, etc.) accounts should be made using the “Personnel Request” form. New position requests should be prioritized by department and division. Because the justification text of new position requests is sent to the TBR, the textual description should be concisely stated in layman’s terms. All requests for new positions must be transmitted to the vice presidents no later than for approval. (see budget due dates)
Departments should not request funds for professional development type activities in the departmental budget. Forward all requests for professional development funding to the Deans (Instruction), or Executive Assistant to the President. The requests, if approved, will be consolidated and incorporated into the professional development budget.