To Deans, Directors, Department Heads and Vice-Presidents
From: Becky Abu-Orf
Jennifer Rector
Jill Ferrand
Vijay Naik
Date: February 16, 2021
Subject: Estimated Budget 2020-21, July Budget 2021-22 and TAF FY2021-22
The budget guidelines and calendar for the estimated budget for 20120-21, the July budget for 2021-22 and the FY 2021-22 Technology Access Fees requests are found in this document.
Each department should review their activities detailed in Banner during this fiscal year. Attached with this email is document titled “How to Calculate Your Available Budget?” As a reminder, don’t forget to include unapproved SciQuest requisitions when calculating your budget balances using the FGIBDST screen. If the remaining budget available for the remainder of the year is not sufficient, several options are available to curtail over spending.
- Actions can be taken within the department to remain with budget by reducing expenditures for the remainder of the fiscal year.
- Budget transfers can be made by transferring funds from organizations with excess funding to deficient organization codes.
- If new funding will be requested then a budget request form will need to be completed and sent through the requestor’s chain of command for approval. Any activity which requires additional funding should be detailed on the budget request form. The justification should also include the specific goal to be achieved and how assessment of the need was derived.
The following instructions provide detail for all types of requests. For Personnel Budget clarifications call Jill Ferrand at ext. 3305 or Beck Abu-orf at ext. 3323. All other Budget related questions call Vijay Naik at ext. 3276.
In order to prepare the College’s Estimated Budget for ending June 30, 2021, Purchasing will close on Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 4:30 pm. This means that all departments will have until Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 4:30 pm to make purchases for their departments covering normal supply needs from the April 1st through to the first couple weeks of July 2021. Purchases should include any supplies and services that enable the department to operate normally during the cut-off period. Items that cannot be purchased by March 31, 2021 or are driven by actual consumption will need to be listed on the encumbrance list. The encumbrance list should only include postage, mileage, dual service agreements, printing estimates, food for advisory committee meetings, and travel. Thus, if you have already purchased a product or have a requisition open, please do not include it on your encumbrance list since it has been captured out of your budget. Only items that have not been purchased or that do not have Req/PO numbers need to be listed on the encumbrance list.
Operating Expenses & Encumbrances
- All normal supplies must be purchased and management approved before Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 4:30 pm. After 4:30 pm, all the submitted requisitions should be ready to process in the Purchasing department’s queue. Any transactions that go into the NSF (insufficient funds queue) will not be processed and will be deleted in the system. Please do not wait until Tuesday to process your purchases. There is a high probability that Banner and SciQuest will be congested and system issues may result. In addition, Departments that have any activity occurring after the Purchasing cut-off must submit an itemized list (called encumbrance list, to Vijay Naik by e-mail no later than Wednesday, March 31, 2021 at 4:30 pm. These funds will remain encumbered through June 30, 2021. This means you will have until June 30, 2021 to spend these funds only for the listed purpose. If not spent by that time, they will revert to the general fund. This list should only include postage, mileage, dual service agreements, printing estimates, food for advisory committee meetings, and travel. Please do not include funds for normal supply purchases as Purchasing has been instructed to reject requisitions for normal supplies.
Attached with this email is the template in Microsoft Excel format (“Encumbrance Template”) for the encumbrance list that will need to be submitted. Encumbrance lists will only be accepted in this completed template. If an item is not listed on your encumbrance list, purchase of that item will not be permitted by the Purchasing department.
- Transfers between budget categories should be made using form the transfer form attached. Budget transfers are only permitted between organization codes with the same program code. Transfers must be submitted, signed, approved and delivered to Vijay Naik no later than Friday, March 19, 2021 at 4:30 pm. Any transfers received after that will be disregarded.
Travel Expenses
Any planned travel that will be completed between April 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021 that will be expensed to an individual’s organization travel account (e.g. mileage) will need to be included in the list of encumbrances. Please detail encumbrance by employee and trip or time period. If a travel reimbursement has not been submitted by March 31, 2021 but has been submitted for approval to VP’s office and is in process, then it will need to be encumbered on the list. Any item that has been paid in Banner must not be included on the encumbrance list. Any planned trips that will be expensed to the Professional Development account will not need to be included on the encumbrance list.
Contracts (Includes Dual-Service)
If there are any pending contracts that do not have Purchase order numbers on them and will need to be paid between April 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021, please include them on your list of encumbrances. If dual-service contracts have not been entered in Sciquest or are not in Banner, they will need to be included on the encumbrance list. If dual service contracts have not been signed off by the employer of the person under contract, the contract will need to be include on the encumbrance list
Credit Cards
If a department is in possession of a credit card they will need to include on their encumbrance list
- The items that have been purchased but not uploaded to Banner recently or
- Items that will be purchased between April 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021
Temporary & Student Salaries
Salaries for part time temporary employees or student workers that will be paid between April 1, 2021 and June 30, 2021 will also need to be included on the encumbrance list. Only the balance of the remaining budget will can be encumbered.
After the Purchasing cut-off date, Purchasing will spend several weeks processing the submitted requisitions. Please ensure that you have sufficient supplies to carry your department through this period as they will not be able to process any requisitions even if they are on the encumbrance list until they have processed all the Purchasing requisitions in the queue.
Personnel Budget
All personnel requests need to be turned to the respective Vice Presidents no later than Monday, February 19, 2021.
- All employees with personnel budget responsibility should verify current information and report any inaccuracies to Human Resources via email.
- In the event a salary increase is passed by the legislature, it will be addressed separately. Do not plan for individual salary increases on the attached forms.
- Any transfer involving personnel positions should list the position number(s) in the justification section of the transfer form.
- Any request to transfer personnel (current regular employees) between positions must be in letter form and approved by Human Resources in addition to the chain of management.
- Requests for new positions or increases in temporary pool (adjunct, temporary help, etc.) accounts should be made using the “Personnel Request” form. New position requests should be prioritized by department and division. Because the justification text of new position requests is sent to the TBR, the textual description should be concisely stated in layman’s terms. All requests for new positions must be transmitted to the Vice Presidents no later than February 19, 2021.
Benefit Requests
- Benefit changes in FICA, retirement and insurance due to increased or new positions will be calculated by the Business Office.
Travel, Operating and Equipment
- Departments should not request funds for professional development type activities
in the departmental budget.
- Transfers between org codes should be made using the budget transfer form.
- Requests for increased funding in travel, operating, or equipment should be made using the budget request form.
- All requests for software and computer equipment must be coordinated through the Director of Technology Services for approval before submitting a budget request.
- Requests for use of renewal and replacement funds should be addressed through Paul Kaminsky.
Technology Access Fee Guidelines for Budget Requests FY2021-22
TBR Guideline B-060 requires each institution to prepare a detailed spending plan of the funding to be generated by the technology access fee. Attached is the TAF equipment request form. All requests must use the attached form, have identified the applicable guideline (see below 1-9), identify requests for renewal of ongoing licenses or equipment warranty support, and be for at least $2,001.00. For any items that are $2,000.00 or less, those items should be requested in the annual budget process for your organizational department. Incomplete forms will be returned to the submitter for correction.
- Computer and other technical laboratory supplies, equipment, software and maintenance.
- Network costs
- "Smart" or multi-media classroom equipment and classroom modifications.
- Lab and course staffing - student and staff assistance for lab and classroom uses.
- New machines for faculty use when faculty are actively engaged in developing and conducting on-line courses.
- Faculty and staff development directly related to the introduction or application of new technology which impacts students. These guidelines should have the flexibility to place instructional technology in a faculty lab where course materials are being prepared. For example, TAF funds can be used to create faculty labs to include the purchase of computers and to conduct faculty training and course development. (Travel costs for faculty and staff are excluded; however, consultants may be hired as needed for training.)
- Infrastructure (wiring, network, servers, etc.) necessary to provide students maximum computing capability. A ceiling is established of 50% of the total project costs from which technology access fees can be used.
- Expand technology resources in library, i.e., video piped anywhere on campus, interactive video room for distance education, network for web video courses.